Oct 172011

6A 03 12 (1 Min) 10.17.11

10/17/2011 RBA Monetary Policy Meeting Minutes (1430 HI time / 2030 EDT)
Forecast: n/a
Actual: n/a
Started @ 1.0022
1st Peak @ 1.0004 – 1432 (2 min)
18 ticks

Reverse to 1.0022 – 1436 (6 min)
18 ticks

Notes: Smaller than normal 2 candle spike of 18 ticks as normally you can look for 20-25 ticks on the spike. When it hit the 50 SMA, it bottomed out and reversed. The reversal gained the same amount of ticks as the spike. Overall meager reaction compared to what is typically seen.