Oct 312012

6A 12 12 (1 Min) 10.31.12

10/31/2012 CNY HSBC Flash Manufacturing PMI (1500 HI time / 2100 EDT)
Forecast: 50.3
Actual: 50.2
Previous Revision: n/a
spike with 2nd peak
Started @ 1.0345
1st Peak @ 1.0337 – 1507 (7 min)
8 ticks

2nd Peak @ 1.0319 – 1532 (32 min)
26 ticks

Reversal to 1.0339 – 1551 (51 min)
20 ticks

Notes: Nearly matching report disappointed the traders. This caused a small short spike of 8 ticks that peaked on the :07 bar, crossing the 100 SMA and eclipsing the 200 SMA. The market had been trending higher before the report in the last 60 min, and started to correct. With JOBB, you would have filled short at 1.0341 with no slippage, then if you were patient had an opportunity to exit with 2-4 ticks as it peaked below the 200 SMA. After it was able to successfully cross the 200 SMA, it achieved a 2nd peak of 26 ticks about 25 min later, eclipsing the S1 Pivot. The reversal yielded 20 ticks in about 20 min after the 2nd peak, rebounding to cross the 50 SMA then eclipse the 200 / 100 SMAs on top of each other.