Dec 062012

6A 12 12 (1 Min) 12.06.12

12/6/2012 Monthly Retail Sales (1430 HI time / 1930 EST)
Forecast: -2.15B
Actual: -2.09B
Previous Revision: +0.04B to -1.42B
Started @ 1.0476
1st Peak @ 1.0469 – 1431 (1 min)
7 ticks

Reversal to 1.0479 – 1448 (18 min)
10 ticks

Notes: Report basically matched the forecast, with a negligible previous report revision. This caused a predictable dull reaction of only 7 ticks that hit all 3 SMAs and could go no lower. With JOBB your order would have filled short at 1.0472, then you would have only been able to get 1 tick before it reversed on the :32 bar. As this was a dull reaction, I moved my stop loss down to breakeven and closed out there. The reversal reclaimed 10 ticks in the following 17 min to nick the PP Pivot.