6A 09-13 (1 Min) 9.4.2013

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Nov 302013

6A 09-13 (1 Min)  9_4_2013

9/4/2013 Monthly Retail Sales (2130 EDT)
Forecast: 0.10B
Actual: -0.77B
Previous Revision: -0.36B to 0.24B
Started @ 0.9172
1st Peak @ 0.9156 – 2131 (1 min)
16 ticks

Reversal to 0.9164 – 2132 (2 min)
8 ticks

2nd Peak @ 0.9152 – 2134 (4 min)
20 ticks

Reversal to 0.9184 – 2156 (26 min)
32 ticks

Notes: Report fell short of expectations, along with a moderate downward revision to the previous report. This caused a 16 tick short spike that crossed all 3 major SMAs and the PP Pivot, then retreated back due to the strong area of support. With JOBB your order would have filled short at about 0.9166 with 3 ticks of slippage, then you would have been able to get 5-7 ticks with an exit at or just below the 200 SMA. After the initial spike, it reversed for 8 ticks on the :32 bar back to the 50 SMA, then fell for a 2nd peak of 4 more ticks to eclipse the S1 Mid Pivot. Then the support barrier caused a strong reversal of 32 ticks in the next 22 min to the R1 Pivot.

6A 09-13 (1 Min) 8.5.2013

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Nov 302013

6A 09-13 (1 Min)  8_5_2013

8/5/2013 Monthly Retail Sales (2130 EDT)
Forecast: 0.81B
Actual: 0.60B
Previous Revision: -0.16B to 0.51B
Started @ 0.8895
1st Peak @ 0.8903 – 2131 (1 min)
8 ticks

Reversal to 0.8886 – 2131 (1 min)
-17 ticks

Notes: Report fell mildly short of expectations, with a concurrent moderate downward revision to the previous report. We warned about the HPI report at the same time being potentially problematic as it was in May. Since it was positive, this caused offsetting news and indecision. It started on the R1 Mid Pivot and 200 SMA, then spiked long to the R1 Pivot and reversed back down to about 4 ticks above the LOD. With JOBB your order would have filled long at about 0.8898 with no slippage, then you would have been stopped out within 2 sec at 0.8891 with 2 ticks of slippage for a 7 tick loss. After the :31 bar, the market rallied for about 20 ticks to the R2 Mid Pivot in the next 30 min on the HPI news. Fortunately we raised the risk warning and gave warning about the HPI report, so this should have been a disqualifier for most.

6A 06-13 (1 Min) 6.5.2013

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Jun 092013

6A 06-13 (1 Min)  6_5_2013

6/5/2013 Monthly Retail Sales (2130 EDT)
Forecast: 0.20B
Actual: 0.03B
Previous Revision: +0.25B to 0.56B
Started @ 0.9485
1st Peak @ 0.9467 – 2131 (1 min)
18 ticks

Reversal to 0.9502 – 2135 (5 min)
35 ticks

Notes: Report fell mildly short of expectations, but was offset by a moderate upward revision to the previous report. This caused a 18 tick short spike that crossed the 50 SMA and S1 Pivot near the origin and nearly reached the LOD. With JOBB your order would have filled short at about 0.9480 with 2 ticks of slippage, then you would have been able to get up to 13 ticks if you used a profit target or closed exited when it hovered near the LOD. I used a 12 tick profit target that filled easily. After the initial spike, it reversed very quickly to the 200 SMA for 35 ticks in 4 min due to the strong offsetting bullish previous revision, then it backed off a little and traded sideways.

6A 06-13 (1 Min) 5.6.2013

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May 192013

6A 06-13 (1 Min)  5_6_2013

5/6/2013 Monthly Retail Sales (2130 EDT)
Forecast: 0.20B
Actual: 0.31B
Previous Revision: +0.07B to -0.11B
Started @ 1.0213
1st Peak @ 1.0221 – 2131 (1 min)
8 ticks

Reversal to 1.0203 – 2131 (1 min)
-18 ticks

Notes: First, the reason AUS Trade Balance was indecisive was due to a positive Trade balance result and a concurrent extremely negative Quarterly HPI report that had the biggest offset from the forecast in several years. Normally the HPI report is a yawner and has little effect on the market. However, with a mildly positive Trade Balance with a normally larger share of influence coupled with an epically disappointing low influence report, they balanced each other and caused indecision. Here is a reconstruction of what happened:

1. The spike initially went long and filled your long entry with about 2-3 ticks of slippage at 1.0218 with the # of contracts you desired. 2. The spike reversed and headed short while the stop loss from your ATM strategy attached to the long entry was setting up during the brief overlap while the opposite short entry was still on the chart before the OCO function triggered. This caused both the stop and the short entry to fill with about 0-3 ticks of slippage at 1.0210. So your initial fill was stopped for about -8 ticks with the # of contracts you intended to trade and you had an additional # equal to your initial lot fill as short positions at 1.0210. 3. The 5 tick stop loss for the 1.0210 short entry tried to apply at 1.0215 as the market was rebounding long, but was disallowed by NinjaTrader as it was below the market price at that time. 4. Then the knife switch logic in JOBB saw that both entry orders were filled and attempted to flatten all open orders, resulting in closing out your additional short positions for an additional loss of about 9 ticks. So you should have lost about 17 total ticks on this report.

This is the second time this scenario has happened (German IFO on 3/22/13 is the other occurrence) where it spikes one way and fills the entry, then reverses during the narrow window when both the stop loss and the opposite entry are on the chart together. The overlap is only about 3/10 of a second according to the programmer, but necessary to have no gap in protection. Fortunately this has only happened twice in about 15 months of JOBB trading over 500 reports. The AUS Trade Balance remains a safe report, but the concurrence of abnormal news caused an undesirable situation this time.

6A 06-13 (1 Min) 4.2.2013

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May 042013

6A 06-13 (1 Min)  4_2_2013

4/2/2013 Monthly Retail Sales (2030 EDT)
Forecast:  -1.00B
Actual:  -0.18B
Previous Revision: -0.16B to -1.22B
Started @ 1.0392
1st Peak @ 1.0409 – 2034 (4 min)
17 ticks

Reversal to 1.0392 – 2126 (56 min)
17 ticks

Notes:  Report exceeded expectations, but was offset by a moderate downward revision to the previous report.  This caused a 17 tick long spike that crossed the 50/100 SMAs near the origin, extending the HOD to peak on the :34 bar.  With JOBB your order would have filled long at about 1.0398 with 2 ticks of slippage, then you would have been able to get up to 10 ticks if you were patient and exited at about 1.0408 where the R1 mid Pivot was eclipsed.  After the initial spike, it reversed slowly to the 50 SMA, then attempted a 2nd peak, but could not go any higher than 1.0408 before falling for the reversal back to the level of the origin 15 min later.  After that volume dried up and it traded sideways.

6A 03-13 (1 Min) 3.6.2013

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May 042013

6A 03-13 (1 Min)  3_6_2013

3/6/2013 Monthly Retail Sales (1930 EST)
Forecast:  -0.51B
Actual:  -1.06B
Previous Revision: -0.26B to -0.69B
Started @ 1.0223
1st Peak @ 1.0212 – 1932 (2 min)
11 ticks

Reversal to 1.0239 – 2115 (45 min)
27 ticks

Notes:  Report disappointed and was aided by a small downward revision to the previous report.  This caused a 11 tick initial short spike with a quick pop on the :31 bar that crossed the 50/100 SMAs near the origin, then found support at the LOD, while extending it 2 ticks.  With JOBB your order would have filled short at about 1.0218 with 2 ticks of slippage, then you would have been able to get a handful of ticks if you were patient and exited near the LOD on the :31-:38 bars.  After the initial spike, it reversed slowly to the SMAs, then after several minutes continued up to extend the HOD by 11 ticks as the entire reversal took about 45 min

6A 03-13 (1 Min) 2.4.2013

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May 042013

6A 03-13 (1 Min)  2_4_2013

2/4/2013 Monthly Retail Sales (1930 EST)
Forecast:  -0.81B
Actual:  -0.43B
Previous Revision: -0.15B to -2.79B
Started @ 1.0409
1st Peak @ 1.0425 – 1931 (1 min)
16 ticks

2nd Peak @ 1.0426 – 1945 (15 min)
17 ticks

Reversal to 1.0409 – 2001 (31 min)
17 ticks

Notes:  Report moderately impressed but was offset by a small downward revision to the previous report.  This caused a 16 tick initial spike with a quick pop on the :31 bar that crossed no SMAs, but hit a barrier at the R2 Pivot, pulling back and leaving 9 ticks on the bar wick naked.  With JOBB your order would have filled long at about 1.0416 with 3 ticks of slippage, then you would have been able to get up to 9 ticks depending on your patience as it headed to the R2 Pivot on a 2nd peak 15 min after the report.  After the 2nd peak, the reversal took over and pulled it down back to the origin as it fought through the 50 SMA then eclipsed the 100 SMA.

6A 03 13 (1 Min) 01.07.13

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Jan 072013

6A 03 13 (1 Min) 01.07.13

1/7/2013 Monthly Retail Sales (1430 HI time / 1930 EST)
Forecast: -2.21B
Actual: -2.64B
Previous Revision: -0.35B to -2.44B
DULL REACTION then DOWnward fan
Started @ 1.0460
1st Peak @ 1.0452 – 1431 (1 min)
8 ticks

Final Peal @ 1.0423 – 1751 (201 min)
37 ticks

Notes: Report moderately disappointed along with a sizable downward revision to the previous report. This caused a 8 tick initial spike on the :31 bar that crossed the 100 SMA then hit the R1 Pivot and 200 SMA and could go no lower. After the initial short spike, it stepped lower in a slow, but deliberate manner to manage 37 total ticks in nearly 3.5 hrs. It is not clear if the entire short move was due to the sentiment of the report as it usually has mild influence. If so, the reaction pattern may be shifting with this report. With JOBB your order would have filled short at about 1.0455, with 2 ticks of slippage, then you would have only been able to get 1-2 ticks unless you were patient and stayed in longer than 8 min. As this was a dull reaction, I moved my stop loss down to 1 tick above the 100 (1 tick loss) and closed out with 1 tick of profit. There are 2 reversals during the downward move that reclaimed 10-11 ticks, but nothing significant after the bottom was reached.

6A 12 12 (1 Min) 12.06.12

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Dec 062012

6A 12 12 (1 Min) 12.06.12

12/6/2012 Monthly Retail Sales (1430 HI time / 1930 EST)
Forecast: -2.15B
Actual: -2.09B
Previous Revision: +0.04B to -1.42B
Started @ 1.0476
1st Peak @ 1.0469 – 1431 (1 min)
7 ticks

Reversal to 1.0479 – 1448 (18 min)
10 ticks

Notes: Report basically matched the forecast, with a negligible previous report revision. This caused a predictable dull reaction of only 7 ticks that hit all 3 SMAs and could go no lower. With JOBB your order would have filled short at 1.0472, then you would have only been able to get 1 tick before it reversed on the :32 bar. As this was a dull reaction, I moved my stop loss down to breakeven and closed out there. The reversal reclaimed 10 ticks in the following 17 min to nick the PP Pivot.

6A 12 12 (1 Min) 10.02.12

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Oct 022012

6A 12 12 (1 Min) 10.02.12

10/2/2012 Monthly Retail Sales (1530 HI time / 2130 EDT)
Forecast: -0.69B
Actual: -2.03B
Previous Revision: -0.97B to -1.53B
Spike WITH 2nd peak
Started @ 1.0178
1st Peak @ 1.0163 – 1531 (1 min)
15 ticks

2nd Peak @ 1.0157 – 1536 (6 min)
21 ticks

Reversal to 1.0172 – 1615 (45 min)
15 ticks

Notes: Report fell well short of the forecast, with a large downward previous report revision. This caused a relatively big and fast short spike for 15 ticks that would have filled your short JOBB entry at about 1.0172 with 1 tick of slippage, allowing for about 8 ticks to be captured as the bar settled at the maximum low just below the S1 Pivot. It then claimed 6 more ticks on the 2nd peak 5 min later before reversing for 15 ticks in the next 40 min as volume dried up. The S1 pivot acting as support and the mild bearish sentiment before the market likely prevented a bigger drop, but it was still a great breakout for JOBB.