ALL Times Eastern Standard Time
ONLY ONE GoToWebinar Link for the whole week. (WILL BE UPDATED WEEKLY)
Trade Rooms 10 -27 – through 11-01-19
Registration URL: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4024835283678588675
Webinar ID: 766-247-379
Video Weekly Schedule Preview LINK – If we say ” it is a WATCH” that means no trade…Just looking for a market reaction for the future.
** An unofficial report may be news we used to trade or news worth watching for a future trade**
Always check www.forexfactory.com and www.investing.com to verify report times !!
All Times are Eastern Time!
Keep an eye on this page during the week for changes, as sometimes
the schedule can change due to testing and reports that are changing.
** Please note: Not only do we trade in our room,
but the room is also a place where we learn and decide if reports
could be worth trading….Education is a big part of our purpose here **
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