Jan 252012

CL 04 12 (1 Min) 01.25.12

1/25/2012 FOMC Statement / FED Funds Rate (0730 HI time / 1230 EST)
Forecast: n/a
Actual: n/a
Started @ 99.06 (0728)
Peak @ 100.76 – 0817 (49 min)
170 ticks

Reversal to 99.61 – 0926 (118 min)
115 ticks (2x bottom)

Notes: *Report broke 2 min early at 0732. Report was positive as the FED reported the US economy is expanding moderately and pledged to keep interest rates low until late 2014. This level of revelation by the FED has never been seen before, and the markets reacted strongly. Again, DO NOT USE JOBB due to uncertain release time. After seeing the initial reaction and interpreting the statement to be bullish, I would have gotten in long around 0731 at the 50 SMA and get out after the last spike at about 0818 / 0819 since the market crossed the R2 line with a big candle.