Jan 102013

NG 02 13 (1 Min) 01.10.13

1/10/2013 Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report (1030 EST)
Forecast: -185B
Actual: -201B
Started @ 3.163
1st Peak @ 3.204 – 1031 (1 min)
41 ticks

Reversal to 3.166 – 1039 (9 min)
38 ticks

Notes: Slightly larger loss than was forecast caused a long spike of 41 ticks that crossed no SMAs or Pivots as it was trending higher before the report. With JOBB, you would have filled long with about 12 ticks of slippage at about 3.185. Then you would have an opportunity to close out with about 15 ticks as it hovered in the 3.200 area. After achieving the 1st peak, 4 ticks below the R1 Pivot, it quickly retreated downward for 38 ticks in 8 min to touch the 20 SMA. After that it slowly rallied again to eventually eclipse the R1 Pivot 45 min after the report and chop sideways afterward.