NinjaTrader Mac Installation & Best Practices


Mac Installation – Configuring NinjaTrader for Parallels 6:

When installing NinjaTrader on a Mac using Parallels 6, users will need to ensure that the following steps have been taken prior to installation of NinjaTrader.

  • Start Parallels and select your virtual machine
  • Press the “Configure” button on the top
  • Under “Features”, select “Shared Profile”
  • Uncheck “Documents to My Documents in Windows”
  • Press “OK” and start the virtual machine

Mac Installation – Configuring NinjaTrader for Parallels 7:

When installing NinjaTrader on a Mac using Parallels 7, users will need to ensure that the following steps have been taken prior to the installation of NinjaTrader.

  • Start Parallels and select your virtual machine
  • Press the “Configure” button on the top
  • Under “Options”, select “Sharing”
  • Uncheck “Share Mac” under “Share Mac User Folders with Windows”
  • Press “OK” and start the virtual machine

Mac Installation – Configuring NinjaTrader for VMWare Fusion:

When configuring NinjaTrader on a Mac running VMWare, users will need to ensure that the following steps have been taken prior to the installation of NinjaTrader.

  • Start VMWare and select your virtual machine
  • Press the “Settings” button on the bottom
  • Under “System Settings”, select “Sharing”
  • Uncheck “Documents” from the “Mirrored Folders” list
  • Close the “Settings” window and start the virtual machine

Mac Installation – Configuring NinjaTrader for Apple Boot Camp:

When configuring NinjaTrader on a Mac running Apple Boot Camp, there are no special instructions needed. After making these changes you may need to reinstall/install NinjaTrader 7.

It is preferred to run a dual boot set up such as Apple Boot Camp to run NinjaTrader as all CPU resources would be allocated to running Windows and NinjaTrader with this setup.