Aug 012012

6A 09 12 (1 Min) 08.01.12

8/1/2012 Monthly Retail Sales (1530 HI time / 2130 EDT)
Forecast: 0.6%
Actual: 1.0%
Previous Revision: +0.3% to 0.8%
Started @ 1.0415
1st Peak @ 1.0434 – 1531 (1 min)
19 ticks

Reversal to 1.0220 – 1551 (21 min)
14 ticks

Notes: Report exceeded the forecast, with a moderate upward previous report revision. The AUS Trade Balance was also released coming in slightly better than expected. This caused a medium sized long spike that would have filled your long JOBB entry at about 1.0424, allowing for about 8 ticks to be captured. The spike crossed the 200 SMA near the origin, then peaked just below the PP Pivot. The reversal came back to the 50 and 200 SMAs at 1.0420, before rebounding upward.