Oct 042012
10/4/2012 Weekly Natural Gas Inventory Report (0430 HI time / 1030 EDT)
Forecast: 72B
Actual: 77B
Started @ 3.428
1st Peak @ 3.360 – 0431 (1 min)
68 ticks
Reversal to 3.437 – 0439 (9 min)
77 ticks
Notes: Another Nearly matching report with a large gain in supply caused a healthy short spike. The initial spike crossed all 3 SMAs near the origin on its downward path. With JOBB, you would have filled short on the spike with about 20 ticks of slippage at about 3.395. Then you would have an opportunity to close out with about 20 ticks where it hovered around 3.375 as the bar was expiring. The reversal found its legs on the :37-:39 bars, claiming 77 ticks as it rebounded through the 3 major SMAs, and the PP Pivot.