6C 12 12 (1 Min) 09.21.12

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Sep 212012

6C 12 12 (1 Min) 09.21.12

9/21/2012 Monthly Core CPI / CPI Report (0230 HI time / 0830 EDT)
Core CPI Forecast: 0.3%
Core CPI Actual: 0.3%
Previous Revision: n/a
CPI Forecast: 0.4%
CPI Actual: 0.2%
Previous Revision: n/a
Started @ 1.0238
1st Peak @ 1.0243 – 0231 (1 min)
5 ticks

Reversal to 1.0228 – 0241 (11 min)
15 ticks

Notes: Report matched the forecast on the core reading and fell short on the less influential regular CPI reading. With a bearish market before the report causing a slightly oversold sentiment, the bulls tried to take advantage, but only yielded 5 unsustainable ticks against the flow. The spike could not get past the 50 SMA before falling for 15 ticks in the next 10 min. With JOBB you would not have filled , so cancel the order.

6C 09 12 (1 Min) 08.17.12

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Aug 172012

6C 09 12 (1 Min) 08.17.12

6C 09 12 (1 Min) 07.20.12

 Core CPI  Comments Off on 6C 09 12 (1 Min) 07.20.12
Jul 202012

6C 09 12 (1 Min) 07.20.12

7/20/2012 Monthly Core CPI / CPI Report (0230 HI time / 0830 EDT)
Core CPI Forecast: -0.1%
Core CPI Actual: -0.4%
Previous Revision: n/a
CPI Forecast: -0.2%
CPI Actual: -0.4%
Previous Revision: n/a
Started @ 0.9881
1st Peak @ 0.9865 – 0231 (1 min)
16 ticks

2nd Peak @ 0.9863 – 0234 (4 min)
18 ticks

Reversal to 0.9878 – 0304 (34 min)
15 ticks (2x top)

Notes: Moderately strong report falling short of the forecast for both the core and regular CPI readings. This caused a spike downward of 16 ticks that crossed no SMAs or Pivots as the market was already selling off. After the :31 bar retraced from its low, the 2nd peak was able to nab 2 more ticks on the :34 bar to reach the S3 Pivot. The reversal reclaimed 15 ticks in 34 minutes fighting through the 50 SMA.

6C 09 12 (1 Min) 06.22.12

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Jun 222012

6C 09 12 (1 Min) 06.22.12

6/22/2012 Monthly Core CPI / CPI Report (0230 HI time / 0830 EDT)
Core CPI Forecast: 0.3%
Core CPI Actual: 0.2%
Previous Revision: n/a
CPI Forecast: 0.2%
CPI Actual: -0.1%
Previous Revision: n/a
Started @ 0.9707
1st Peak @ 0.9692 – 0231 (1 min)
15 ticks

Reversal to 0.9711 – 0243 (13 min)
19 ticks

Notes: Moderately weak report fell short of the forecast for both the core and regular CPI readings. This caused a small spike downward of 15 ticks that crossed no SMAs. Since the Core reading only missed by 0.1%, there was no 2nd peak or lingering at the low point. The reversal reclaimed 19 ticks in only 13 minutes fighting through all of the SMAs to briefly eclipse the 200 SMA.

6C 06 12 (1 Min) 05.18.12

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May 182012

6C 06 12 (1 Min) 05.18.12

5/18/2012 Monthly Core CPI / CPI Report (0230 HI time / 0830 EDT)
Core CPI Forecast: 0.2%
Core CPI Actual:0.4%
Previous Revision: n/a
CPI Forecast: 0.3%
CPI Actual:0.4%
Previous Revision: n/a
Started @ 0.9834
1st Peak @ 0.9850 – 0231 (1 min)
16 ticks

2nd Peak @ 0.9856 – 0235 (5 min)
22 ticks (3x top)

Reversal to 0.9826 – 0314 (44 min)
30 ticks (2x bottom)

Notes: Moderately strong report exceeding the forecast for both the core and regular CPI readings. This caused a spike upward of 16 ticks that crossed no SMAs, but started on the PP Pivot. This caused the pullback on the 31 bar, but it eventually regained its footing and went for a 2nd peak of 22 ticks on the :35 bar. The reversal reclaimed 30 ticks in 40 minutes fighting through all of the SMAs to touch the 200 SMA.

6C 06 12 (1 Min) 04.20.12

 Core CPI  Comments Off on 6C 06 12 (1 Min) 04.20.12
Apr 202012

6C 06 12 (1 Min) 04.20.12

4/20/2012 Monthly Core CPI / CPI Report (0230 HI time / 0830 EDT)
Core CPI Forecast: 0.3%
Core CPI Actual: 0.3%
Previous Revision: n/a
CPI Forecast: 0.5%
CPI Actual: 0.4%
Previous Revision: n/a
Started @ 1.0077
1st Peak @ 1.0063 – 0231 (1 min)
14 ticks (multiple bottom)

Reversal to 1.0074 – 0244 (14 min)
11 ticks

Notes: Mostly matching report with a slightly negative regular reading. This caused a small spike downward of 14 ticks, that crossed the 50 and 100 SMAs, and R1 Pivot but failed to reach the 200 SMA. With JOBB you would have filled short at 1.0072 and look to eke out a few ticks between the 100 and R1 Pivot. The reversal reclaimed 11 ticks in 13 minutes after the peak was hit.

6C 06 12 (1 Min) 03.23.12

 Core CPI  Comments Off on 6C 06 12 (1 Min) 03.23.12
Mar 232012

6C 06 12 (1 Min) 03.23.12

3/23/2012 Monthly Core CPI / CPI Report (0100 HI time / 0700 EDT)
Core CPI Forecast: 0.3%
Core CPI Actual: 0.4%
Previous Revision: n/a
CPI Forecast: 0.4%
CPI Actual: 0.4%
Previous Revision: n/a
Started @ 0.9977
1st Peak @ 0.9984 / Reverse to 0.9972 – 0101 (1 min)
7 ticks / -5 ticks

Notes: Barely positive report exceeding the forecast for the core reading, but matching the regular CPI reading. This caused an initial tepid spike of 7 ticks that quickly retreated after crossing the 50 SMA and hitting the 100 SMA. Then as a moderate downtrend was in effect, it gave up the gains and fell 12 ticks to recoiling off of the SMAs. After a few minutes of sideways action, the influence was outlived and the market resumed falling.

6C 06 12 (1 Min) 02.17.12

 Core CPI  Comments Off on 6C 06 12 (1 Min) 02.17.12
Feb 172012

6C 06 12 (1 Min) 02.17.12

2/17/2012 Monthly Core CPI / CPI Report (0200 HI time / 0700 EST)
Core CPI Forecast: 0.1%
Core CPI Actual: 0.2%
Previous Revision: n/a
CPI Forecast: 0.3%
CPI Actual: 0.4%
Previous Revision: n/a
Started @ 1.0014
1st Peak @ 1.0025 – 0201 (1 min)
11 ticks

Reversal to 1.0015 – 0204 (4 min)
10 ticks

2nd Peak @ 1.0034 – 0227 (27 min)
20 ticks (2x top)

Reversal to 1.0018 – 0247 (47 min)
16 ticks (2x bottom)

Notes: Moderately strong report exceeding the forecast for both the core and regular CPI readings. This caused a spike upward of 11 ticks that had to cross all 3 SMAs, so it surrendered half of its spike in the latter half of the :01 candle. The reversal after the 1st peak recovered almost all of the spike before it was able to gear up for a 2nd peak of 20 ticks in 27 min. Then the final reverse reclaimed 16 ticks in 20 minutes fighting through all of the SMAs to briefly drop below the 200 SMA.

6C 06 12 (1 Min) 01.20.12

 Core CPI  Comments Off on 6C 06 12 (1 Min) 01.20.12
Jan 202012

6C 06 12 (1 Min) 01.20.12

1/20/2012 Monthly Core CPI / CPI Report (0200 HI time / 0700 EST)
Core CPI Forecast: -0.2%
Core CPI Actual: -0.5%
Previous Revision: n/a
CPI Forecast: -0.1%
CPI Actual: -0.6%
Previous Revision: n/a
Started @ 0.9830
1st Peak @ 0.9807 – 0202 (2 min)
23 ticks

Reversal to 0.9827 – 0206 (6 min)
20 ticks

Notes: Strongly negative report falling well short of the forecast for both the core and regular CPI readings. This caused a spike downward of 23 ticks, that crossed the 200 SMA at the origin and briefly dipped below the S2 pivot line. The reversal reclaimed most of the spike in 4 minutes after the peak was hit.

6C 06 12 (1 Min) 12.20.11

 Core CPI  Comments Off on 6C 06 12 (1 Min) 12.20.11
Dec 202011

6C 06 12 (1 Min) 12.20.11

12/20/2011 Monthly Core CPI / CPI Report (0200 HI time / 0700 EST)
Core CPI Forecast: 0.2%
Core CPI Actual: 0.1%
Previous Revision: n/a
CPI Forecast: 0.2%
CPI Actual: 0.1%
Previous Revision: n/a
Started @ 0.9643
1st Peak @ 0.9632 – 0210 (10 min)
11 ticks (2x bottom)

Reversal to 0.9649 – 0244 (44 min)
17 ticks

Notes: Moderately weak report falling short of the forecast for both the core and regular CPI readings. This caused a spike downward of 11 ticks that had to cross the 200 SMA about halfway down. Even though this is a small moving report with little divergence from the forecast, the 200 SMA clearly restricted the drop along with the Holiday season. The reversal recovered 17 ticks in a very lightly traded market over 34 minutes.