ZB 09-14 (1 Min) 6.11.2014

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Jul 032014

ZB 09-14 (1 Min)  6_11_2014

6/11/2014 10-yr Bond Auction (1301 EDT)
Previous: 2.61/2.6
Actual: 2.65/2.9
Anchor Point @ 135’01 (1301)
Trap Trade:
)))1st Peak @ 134’28 – 1301:37 (1 min)
)))-5 ticks

)))Reversal to 134’31 – 1301:40 (1 min)
)))3 ticks
2nd Peak @ 134’24 – 1306 (5 min)
9 ticks

Reversal to 134’30 – 1311 (10 min)
6 ticks

Double Bottom @ 134’24 – 1336 (35 min)
6 ticks

Reversal to 135’05 – 1424 (83 min)
13 ticks

Trap Trade Bracket setup:
Long entries – 134’28 (just above the S1 Mid Pivot) / 134’25 (in between the S1 Mid Pivot and OOD)
Short entries – 135’05 (just above the R1 Pivot) / 135’08 (just above the R2 Mid Pivot)

Notes: Report is scheduled on Forex Factory at the top of the hour, but the spike always breaks 1 min late. The highest yield rose a bit from last month’s auction. This caused the ZB to pop short for 5 ticks, then quickly back off for 3 ticks after 3 sec, then fall again. This would have filled the inner tier then hovered near the fill point for 3 min. In this case, you can exit near breakeven, or wait it out with the outer tier still on the board in case of a 2nd peak and follow on reversal. As it fell later, it would have filled the outer long entry then rebounded allowing 5-7 total ticks on both fills to be captured. Then it made a double bottom and reversed for 13 ticks nearly 1.5 hrs after the auction.

ZB 09-14 (1 Min) 6.12.2014

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Jul 032014

ZB 09-14 (1 Min)  6_12_2014

6/12/2014 30-yr Bond Auction (1301 EDT)
Previous: 3.44/2.1
Actual: 3.44/2.7
Started @ 135’03 (1301)
1st Peak @ 135’18 – 1303 (2 min)
15 ticks

Reversal to 135’12 – 1305 (4 min)
6 ticks

2nd Peak @ 136’00 – 1337 (36 min)
29 ticks

Reversal to 135’27 – 1344 (43 min)
5 ticks

Notes: Report is scheduled on Forex Factory at the bottom of the hour, but the spike always breaks 1 min late. The highest yield was unchanged from last month, but the demand rose strongly. This caused the bonds to spike long for a large reaction of 15 ticks that crossed all 3 major SMAs and the HOD, then hit the R2 Mid Pivot. With JOBB you would have filled long at 135’13 with 7 ticks of slippage, then seen it give you up to 5 ticks to capture where it hovered early in the :03 bar just below the R2 Pivot. The higher slippage is disappointing, but 5 ticks is still a good take on this report. After a 6 tick reversal that fell to the R2 Mid Pivot on the next 2 bars, it stepped higher for a final peak of 14 more ticks after about 30 min and crossing the R3 Mid Pivot. Then is reversed for a meager 5 ticks and traded sideways.

ZB 09-14 (1 Min) 6.26.2014

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Jul 092014

ZB 09-14 (1 Min)  6_26_2014

6/26/2014 7-yr Bond Auction (1301 EDT)
Previous: 2.01/2.6
Actual: 2.15/2.4
Started @ 137’04 (1301)
1st Peak @ 137’00 – 1302 (1 min)
4 ticks

Reversal to 137’03 – 1310 (9 min)
3 ticks

2nd Peak @ 136’30 – 1321 (20 min)
6 ticks

Reversal to 137’04 – 1415 (74 min)
6 ticks

Notes: Report is not found on Forex Factory, but the spike always breaks about 1:30 min late as with other bond auctions. The highest yield of 2.15 rebounded from the dip of last month. This caused a 4 tick short move in at :36 sec into the 02 bar as it crossed the 50 SMA and reached the R2 Mid Pivot. With JOBB, your short entry would have filled at 137’02 with no slippage. It would have fallen and hovered for about 3-4 min between breakeven and 2 ticks of profit. Look to exit at 137’01 or 00 for 1-2 ticks. After a reversal of 3 ticks, it fell for a 2nd peak of 2 more ticks to breach the R2 Mid Pivot. Then it reversed for 6 ticks back to the origin in the next hour.

ZB 09-14 (1 Min) 7.9.2014

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Jul 202014

ZB 09-14 (1 Min)  7_9_2014

7/9/2014 10-yr Bond Auction (1301 EDT)
Previous: 2.65/2.9
Actual: 2.60/2.6
Anchor Point @ 136’16 (1301)
Trap Trade:
)))1st Peak @ 136’11 – 1301:53 (1 min)
)))-5 ticks

)))Reversal to 136’13 – 1301:58 (1 min)
)))2 ticks
2nd Peak @ 136’10 – 1304 (3 min)
6 ticks

Reversal to 136’14 – 1312 (11 min)
4 ticks

Double Bottom @ 136’10 – 1314 (13 min)
6 ticks

Trap Trade Bracket setup:
Long entries – 136’12 (just below the LOD) / 136’08 (just below the S1 Mid Pivot)
Short entries – 136’20 (just above the 200 SMA) / 136’23 (just above the R1 Mid Pivot)

Notes: Report is scheduled on Forex Factory at the top of the hour, but the spike always breaks 1 min late. The highest yield fell a bit from last month’s auction. This caused the ZB to pop short for 5 ticks, then quickly back off for only 2 ticks after 5 sec. This would have filled the inner tier then hovered between 1 and 2 ticks of profit. Look to exit there. It fell for 1 more tick on the :04 bar, then traded sideways between the LOD and PP Pivot.

ZB 09-14 (1 Min) 7.10.2014

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Jul 202014

ZB 09-14 (1 Min)  7_10_2014

7/10/2014 30-yr Bond Auction (1301 EDT)
Previous: 3.44/2.7
Actual: 3.37/2.4
Started @ 137’08 (1301)
1st Peak @ 137’02 – 1302 (1 min)
6 ticks

Reversal to 137’07 – 1303 (2 min)
5 ticks

Final Peak @ 136’29 – 1342 (41 min)
11 ticks

Reversal to 137’04 – 1353 (52 min)
7 ticks

Notes: Report is scheduled on Forex Factory at the bottom of the hour, but the spike always breaks 1 min late. The highest yield fell slightly from last month, but the demand fell off a bit. This caused the bonds to spike short for a small reaction of 6 ticks that started on the R1 Pivot and 100/50 SMAs, then fell. With JOBB you would have filled short at 137’05 with no slippage, then seen it hover between your fill point and +2 ticks for about 30 sec. You could have exited there, or waited for the secondary drop which fell nicely after 10 min to the R1 Mid pivot for another 2 ticks beyond the 1st peak allowing up to 4-5 ticks to be captured. Then the final peak fell another 3 ticks after another 30 min. after that it reversed for 7 ticks in 11 min to the 100 SMA.

ZB 09-14 (1 Min) 7.30.2014

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Aug 182014

ZB 09-14 (1 Min)  7_30_2014

7/30/2014 7-yr Bond Auction (1301 EDT)
Previous: 2.15/2.4
Actual: 2.25/2.6
Started @ 137’21 (1301)
1st Peak @ 137’14 – 1302 (1 min)
7 ticks

Reversal to 137’18 – 1304 (3 min)
4 ticks

2nd Peak @ 137’12 – 1310 (9 min)
9 ticks

Reversal to 137’21 – 1339 (38 min)
9 ticks

Notes: Report is not found on Forex Factory, but the spike always breaks about 1:30 min late as with other bond auctions. The highest yield of 2.25 rose from the dip of last month while the bid to cover ratio was very strong at 2.6. This caused a large 7 tick short move at :35 sec into the 02 bar as it crossed the S3 Pivot and extended the LOD. With JOBB, your short entry would have filled at 137’18 with 1 tick of slippage. It would have fallen and hovered for about 30 sec within 1 tick of the low to allow an exit with 3-4 ticks. Since it crossed the S3 Pivot and extended the LOD after a large bearish trend, do not wait to exit after presented a good opportunity. It reversed for 4 ticks in 2 min to the S3 Pivot, then fell for a 2nd peak of 2 more ticks after 6 min. Then it reversed for 9 ticks to the 100 SMA in the next 29 min.

ZB 09-14 (1 Min) 8.13.2014

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Aug 312014

ZB 09-14 (1 Min)  8_13_2014

8/13/2014 10-yr Bond Auction (1301 EDT)
Previous: 2.60/2.6
Actual: 2.44/2.8
Anchor Point @ 139’11 (1301)
Trap Trade:
)))1st Peak @ 139’08 – 1301:47 (1 min)
)))-3 ticks

)))Reversal to 139’10 – 1302:39 (2 min)
)))2 ticks
2nd Peak @ 139’06 – 1305 (4 min)
5 ticks

Reversal to 139’18 – 1328 (27 min)
17 ticks

Trap Trade Bracket setup:
Long entries – 139’07 (just below the 200 SMA / R1 Mid Pivot) / 139’03 (just below the PP Pivot)
Short entries – 139’15 (No SMA/Pivot near) / 139’18 (just above the R2 Mid Pivot)

Notes: Report is scheduled on Forex Factory at the top of the hour, but the spike always breaks 1 min late. The highest yield fell a bit from last month’s auction. This caused the ZB to pop short for only 3 ticks, then back off for only 2 ticks after about 1 min. This would have missed the inner long entry, so cancel the order. After the reversal, it fell for a 2nd peak of 2 more ticks after 2 min, then reversed for 12 ticks in the next 23 min to the R2 Mid Pivot.

ZB 09-14 (1 Min) 8.14.2014

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Aug 312014

ZB 09-14 (1 Min)  8_14_2014

8/14/2014 30-yr Bond Auction (1301 EDT)
Previous: 3.37/2.4
Actual: 3.22/2.6
Started @ 139’19 (1301)
1st Peak @ 139’30 – 1302:06 (1 min)
11 ticks

2nd Peak @ 140’01 – 1306 (5 min)
14 ticks

Reversal to 139’21 – 1315 (14 min)
12 ticks

Pullback to 139’27 – 1333 (32 min)
6 ticks

Notes: Report is scheduled on Forex Factory at the bottom of the hour, but the spike always breaks 1 min late. The highest yield fell from last month, but the demand rose. This caused the bonds to spike long for a healthy reaction of 11 ticks that started on the 100 SMA and rose to cross the 200 SMA and R1 Pivot. With JOBB you would have filled long at 139’24 with 2 ticks of slippage, then seen it hover at 139’29 for 10 sec for an ideal exit of 5 ticks. After a small reversal, it climbed for a 2nd peak of 3 more ticks in the next 4 min to eclipse the R2 Mid Pivot and reach the HOD. Then it fell for 12 ticks to the 200 SMA in the next 9 min. After that it pulled back for 6 ticks and trended upward in the long run.

ZB 09-14 (1 Min) 8.28.2014

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Sep 092014

ZB 09-14 (1 Min)  8_28_2014

8/28/2014 7-yr Bond Auction (1301 EDT)
Previous: 2.25/2.6
Actual: 2.05/2.6
Started @ 141’20 (1301)
1st Peak @ 141’23 – 1302 (1 min)
3 ticks

Reversal to 141’13 – 1341 (40 min)
10 ticks

Pullback to 141’23 – 1436 (95 min)
10 ticks

Reversal to 141’19 – 1442 (101 min)
4 ticks

Notes: Report is not found on Forex Factory, but the spike always breaks about 1:30 min late as with other bond auctions. The highest yield of 2.05 fell from last month while the bid to cover ratio remained very strong at 2.6. This caused a dull reaction that did not move more that 1 tick on the :02 bar, then achieved 2 ticks on the :03 bar, crossing the R2 Pivot and reaching the 50/100 SMAs. With JOBB, you would not have seen an impulse to fill the long entry until after the :02 bar expired, so cancel the order. If you did not cancel, you would have been filled at the early part of the :03 bar at 141’22 with no slippage then allowed an exit at breakeven as it hovered between the fill point and 1 tick of profit for almost all of the :03 bar. After that it reversed for 10 ticks in 39 min to the R1 Pivot, then pulled back to recover the lost ground in the next 55 min to the R2 Pivot and 200 SMA. Then it fell 4 ticks in the next 6 min to the 100/50 SMAs.

ZB 12-14 (1 Min) 9.10.2014

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Sep 192014

ZB 12-14 (1 Min)  9_10_2014

9/10/2014 10-yr Bond Auction (1301 EDT)
Previous: 2.44/2.8
Actual: 2.54/2.7
Anchor Point @ 137’09 (1301)
Trap Trade:
)))1st Peak @ 137’04 – 1304:26 (4 min)
)))-5 ticks

)))Reversal to 137’07 – 1304:46 (4 min)
)))3 ticks
2nd Peak @ 137’03 – 1309 (8 min)
6 ticks

Reversal to 137’12 – 1336 (35 min)
9 ticks

Trap Trade Bracket setup:
Long entries – 137’04 (just below the S2 Pivot / on the LOD) / 137’01 (No SMA/Pivot near)
Short entries – 137’14 (just above the S1 Pivot) / 137’17 (No SMA/Pivot near)

Notes: Report is scheduled on Forex Factory at the top of the hour, but the spike always breaks 1 min late. The highest yield rose a bit from last month’s auction. This caused the ZB to pop short for only 2 ticks on the :02 bar then another 3 ticks on the next 3 bars. This would have missed the inner long entry after 1 min, so cancel the order. After hitting the LOD, it reversed 3 ticks, then fell 4 ticks a few min later. Then it reversed 9 ticks, crossing the 3 major SMAs and the S2 Mid Pivot.