ZB 12-14 (1 Min) 9.11.2014

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Sep 192014

ZB 12-14 (1 Min)  9_11_2014

9/11/2014 30-yr Bond Auction (1301 EDT)
Previous: 3.22/2.6
Actual: 3.24/2.7
Started @ 137’08 (1301)
1st Peak @ 137’19 – 1303:06 (2 min)
11 ticks

Reversal to 137’14 – 1305 (4 min)
5 ticks

Double top to 137’19 – 1308 (7 min)
5 ticks

Reversal to 137’09 – 1323 (22 min)
10 ticks

Pullback to 137’15 – 1334 (33 min)
6 ticks

Reversal to 137’07 – 1346 (45 min)
8 ticks

Notes: Report is scheduled on Forex Factory at the bottom of the hour, but the spike always breaks 1 min late. The highest yield rose slightly from last month, but the demand rose. This caused the bonds to spike long for a healthy reaction of 11 ticks that started on the 100 / 50 SMAs and R1 Mid Pivot then rose to cross the 200 SMA and R2 Pivot. With JOBB you would have filled long at 137’13 with 2 ticks of slippage, then seen it hover around 137’17 near the R2 Pivot for over a minute for an ideal exit of 4-5 ticks. It peaked at 137’19 early in the :04 bar, then chopped in the next 5 min. Then it reversed 10 ticks in the next 15 min to the R1 Mid Pivot. After that it pulled back for 6 ticks in 11 min before reversing for 8 ticks in the next 22 min.

ZB 12-14 (1 Min) 9.25.2014

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Oct 132014

ZB 12-14 (1 Min)  9_25_2014

9/25/2014 7-yr Bond Auction (1301 EDT)
Previous: 2.05/2.6
Actual: 2.24/2.5
Started @ 137’24 (1301)
1st Peak @ 137’21 – 1302 (1 min)
3 ticks

Reversal to 137’26 – 1305 (4 min)
5 ticks

Pullback to 137’22 – 1322 (21 min)
4 ticks

Reversal to 138’00 – 1356 (55 min)
10 ticks

Notes: Report is not found on Forex Factory, but the spike always breaks after 1:30 min late as with other bond auctions. The highest yield of 2.24 rose substantially from last month while the bid to cover ratio tapered slightly to 2.5. This caused a dull reaction that fell 3 ticks as it crossed the 200 SMA. With JOBB, you would have been filled short at 137’22 with no slippage, then had an opportunity to exit with 0-1 ticks as it hovered late in the :02 to early :03 bars. Then it reversed 5 ticks in 4 min, crossing the 100/50 SMAs to reach the R2 Pivot. After that it pulled back 4 ticks to the 200 SMA in 17 min, then reversed 10 ticks in the next 34 min to extend the HOD.

ZB 12-14 (1 Min) 10.8.2014

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Oct 262014

ZB 12-14 (1 Min)  10_8_2014

10/8/2014 10-yr Bond Auction (1301 EDT)
Previous: 2.54/2.7
Actual: 2.38/2.5
Anchor Point @ 140’11 (1301)
Trap Trade:
)))1st Peak @ 140’03 – 1302:32 (2 min)
)))-8 ticks

)))Reversal to 140’06 – 1307:45 (7 min)
)))3 ticks
Double Bottom @ 140’02 – 1318 (17 min)
4 ticks

Reversal to 140’06 – 1322 (21 min)
4 ticks

Trap Trade Bracket setup:
Long entries – 140’07 (just below the PP Pivot) / 140’03 (No SMA/Pivot near)
Short entries – 140’16 (on the 100 SMA) / 140’19 (on the 200 SMA)

Notes: Report is scheduled on Forex Factory at the top of the hour, but the spike always breaks 1 min late. The highest yield fell strongly from last month’s auction. This caused the ZB to pop short for a large decisive spike of 8 ticks. This would have filled both of your long entries in a staggered fashion, then hovered near the outer tier fill point for nearly 5 min. Be patient and wait for a small reversal, but move your stop to 140’00. It rebounded 4 ticks after 5 min to reach the 13 SMA, then hovered for about 1 min to allow an easy exit with 1 tick of profit. Then it continued to trade between the LOD and 140’06 until the FOMC meeting minutes at 1400.

ZB 12-14 (1 Min) 10.8.2014

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Oct 262014

ZB 12-14 (1 Min)  10_8_2014

10/8/2014 FOMC Meeting Minutes (1400 EDT)
Previous: n/a
Actual: n/a
Anchor Point @ 140’03
Trap Trade:
)))1st Peak @ 140’09 – 1400:29 (1 min)
)))6 ticks

)))Reversal to 140’06 – 1400:43 (1 min)
)))3 ticks
Final Peak @ 140’30 – 1555 (115 min)
27 ticks

Trap Trade Bracket setup:
Long entries – 139’30 (No SMA / Pivot near) / 139’25 (just below the S1 Pivot)
Short entries – 140’08 (on the PP Pivot / 100 SMA) / 140’12 (just below the 200 SMA)

Notes: With tapering down to $15B and perceived 1 more step to end QE3, the minutes revealed that the FED was still accommodative to dovish policy by keeping interest rates low. This caused a slow developing but decisive long move of 6 ticks that started in between the LOD and 50 SMA and rose to cross the 100 SMA / PP Pivot. As the climb was slow developing and stepped up rather than an immediate spike, you may have cancelled the order. If you did not, the inner short order would have filled at 140’08, then allowed 1-2 ticks to be captured on the reversal during the late :01 or :02 bars. With the slow climb, be careful and do not look for the typical larger reversal. After the reversal, it engaged in an upward fan that claimed 21 more ticks in the next 2 hrs as it kept stepping higher on the dovish comments.

ZB 12-14 (1 Min) 10.9.2014

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Oct 262014

ZB 12-14 (1 Min)  10_9_2014

10/9/2014 30-yr Bond Auction (1301 EDT)
Previous: 3.24/2.7
Actual: 3.07/2.4
Started @ 140’21 (1301)
1st Peak @ 140’18 – 1301:55 (1 min)
3 ticks

Reversal to 140’22 – 1303 (2 min)
4 ticks

Continued Reversal to 141’06 – 1314 (13 min)
16 ticks

Pullback to 140’17 – 1347 (46 min)
21 ticks

Reversal to 140’27 – 1357 (56 min)
10 ticks

Notes: Report is scheduled on Forex Factory at the bottom of the hour, but the spike always breaks 1 min late. The highest fell strongly from last month, and the demand tapered. This caused the bonds to have a muted reaction initially that fell only 3 ticks to the LOD, then reversed 4 ticks late in the :03 bar. With JOBB you would have filled short at 140’18 with no slippage, then seen it back off and at 2 ticks in the red. Look to exit there on the dull reaction with the LOD appearing strong to prevent any downward momentum. In a bizarre delayed reaction, the reversal then continued to climb 16 more ticks in the next 11 min to the R2 Mid Pivot. Then it reversed back to the LOD in the next 33 min. After that it returned to the SMAs and R1 Mid Pivot to trade sideways.

ZB 12-14 (1 Min) 10.30.2014

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Nov 172014

ZB 12-14 (1 Min)  10_30_2014

10/30/2014 7-yr Bond Auction (1301 EDT)
Previous: 2.24/2.5
Actual: 2.02/2.4
Started @ 141’22 (1301)
1st Peak @ 141’18 – 1301:38 (1 min)
4 ticks

Reversal to 141’23 – 1305 (4 min)
5 ticks

2nd Peak @ 141’13 – 1325 (24 min)
9 ticks

Reversal to 141’22 – 1347 (46 min)
9 ticks

Notes: Report is not found on Forex Factory, but the spike always breaks after 1:30 min late as with other bond auctions. The highest yield of 2.02 fell substantially from last month while the bid to cover ratio tapered slightly to 2.4. This caused a small short reaction that fell 4 ticks with no barrier near. With JOBB, you would have been filled short at 141’20 with no slippage, then had an opportunity to exit with 1-2 ticks as it hovered just after the spike. Then it reversed 5 ticks in 3 min back to the 20 SMA before falling for a 2nd peak of 5 more ticks to the R1 Mid Pivot in 20 min. Then it reversed 9 ticks in 22 min, back to the 100 SMA.

ZB 12-14 (1 Min) 11.12.2014

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Nov 302014

ZB 12-14 (1 Min)  11_12_2014

11/12/2014 10-yr Bond Auction (1301 EDT)
Previous: 2.38/2.5
Actual: 2.37/2.5
Anchor Point @ 141’05 (1301)
Trap Trade:
)))1st Peak @ 141’01 – 1301:36 (1 min)
)))-4 ticks

)))Reversal to 141’04 – 1302:36 (2 min)
)))3 ticks
Pullback to 141’00 – 1309 (8 min)
4 ticks

Reversal to 141’06 – 1322 (21 min)
6 ticks

Trap Trade Bracket setup:
Long entries – 141’01 (just below the R1 Pivot) / 140’29 (just below the R1 Mid Pivot / OOD)
Short entries – 141’10 (just above the 100 SMA) / 141’13 (just above the R3 Mid Pivot)

Notes: Report is scheduled on Forex Factory at the top of the hour, but the spike always breaks 1 min late. The highest was unchanged from last month’s auction. This caused the ZB to pop short for 4 ticks to the R1 Pivot. This would have filled your inner long entry if it was placed at 141’01, but not lower. It reversed 3 ticks to the R2 Mid Pivot after about a minute to allow 2-3 ticks to be captured. Then it pulled back 4 ticks in the next 6 min before reversing 6 ticks to the R2 Pivot and 50 SMA. After that it continued to trend lower to resume the sentiment from before the auction.

ZB 12-14 (1 Min) 11.13.2014

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Nov 302014

ZB 12-14 (1 Min)  11_13_2014

11/13/2014 30-yr Bond Auction (1301 EDT)
Previous: 3.07/2.4
Actual: 3.09/2.3
Started @ 141’05 (1301)
1st Peak @ 140’29 – 1301:44 (1 min)
8 ticks

Reversal to 141’04 – 1311 (10 min)
7 ticks

Continued Reversal to 141’15 – 1438 (97 min)
18 ticks

Pullback to 141’04 – 1526 (145 min)
11 ticks

Notes: Report is scheduled on Forex Factory at the bottom of the hour, but the spike always breaks 1 min late. The highest yield rose slightly from last month, and the demand remained about the same. This caused the bonds to fall 8 ticks in 14 sec then hover below the S1 Mid Pivot. With JOBB you would have filled short at 141’01 with 1 tick of slippage, then seen it settle to hover within 1 tick of 140’30. Look to exit there with about 3 ticks. After that it reversed 7 ticks in the next 9 min to the 100/200 SMAs, then another 11 ticks in the next 87 min to the R1 Mid Pivot. Then it pulled back 11 ticks in 48 min to cross the 200 SMA.

ZB 03-15 (1 Min) 12.10.2014

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Jan 022015

ZB 03-15 (1 Min)  12_10_2014

12/10/2014 10-yr Bond Auction (1301 EST)
Previous: 2.37/2.5
Actual: 2.21/3.0
Anchor Point @ 143’11 (1301)
Trap Trade:
)))1st Peak @ 143’14 – 1301:54 (1 min)
)))3 ticks

)))Reversal to 143’09 – 1302:21 (2 min)
)))-5 ticks
Continued Reversal to 143’06 – 1305 (4 min)
8 ticks

2nd Peak @ 143’15 – 1314 (13 min)
4 ticks

Trap Trade Bracket setup:
Long entries – 143’07 (just below the PP Pivot / OOD) / 140’29 (just below the R1 Mid Pivot / OOD)
Short entries – 143’15 (just above the 100 SMA / R1 Mid Pivot) / 143’04 (no SMA / Pivot near)

Notes: Report is scheduled on Forex Factory at the top of the hour, but the spike always breaks 1 min late. The highest yield fell strongly from last month’s auction. This caused the ZB to pop long for only 3 ticks to the R1 Mid Pivot as it crossed the 200 / 50 SMAs. This would have fallen 1 tick short of your inner short entry, so cancel the order. After the peak, it reversed 5 ticks in 27 sec then another 3 ticks in the next 2 min to eclipse the PP Pivot and OOD. Then it climbed for a 2nd peak of 1 more tick in the next 9 min to the R1 Mid Pivot and 100/200 SMAs all on top of each other.

ZB 03-15 (1 Min) 12.11.2014

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Jan 022015

ZB 03-15 (1 Min)  12_11_2014

12/11/2014 30-yr Bond Auction (1301 EDT)
Previous: 3.09/2.3
Actual: 2.85/2.8
Started @ 143’12 (1301)
1st Peak @ 143’28 – 1303:57 (3 min)
16 ticks

Reversal to 143’21 – 1307 (6 min)
7 ticks

Double Top @ 143’28 – 1315 (14 min)
7 ticks

Reversal to 143’15 – 1344 (43 min)
13 ticks

Notes: Report is scheduled on Forex Factory at the bottom of the hour, but the spike always breaks 1 min late. The highest yield fell strongly from last month, and the demand increased substantially. This caused the bonds to rise 10 ticks at 1:41 then continue to climb another 6 ticks in the next 2 min without any sizeable reversal. It started just above the LOD and rose to cross all 3 Major SMAs and the PP Pivot. With JOBB you would have filled long at 143’18 with 3 ticks of slippage, then seen it slowly ascend to 143’28 to allow up to 10 ticks to be captured. After that it reversed 7 ticks in the next 3 min to the PP Pivot, before rebounding for a double top in 8 min. Then it reversed 13 ticks in 29 min as it fell to cross all 3 Major SMAs and the S1 Mid Pivot.