Nov 102011
11/10/2011 FED Chairman Bernanke Speech (0645 HI time / 1145 EST)
Forecast: n/a
Actual: n/a
Started @ 98.05
Peak @ 98.36 – 0652 (7 min)
31 ticks
2nd Peak @ 98.86 – 0719 (34 min)
81 ticks
Reversal to 98.34 – 0730 / 0737 / 0738 (45/52/53 min)
52 ticks (3x bottom)
Notes: Speech released after beginning of an upward FAN aiding the interpretation of the speech. Typical Spike, small retracement, and secondary spike. I would have probably gotten out at 0714 after the series of long wicks, even though it did go a little higher.