May 062013

NG 04-13 (1 Min)  3_14_2013

3/14/2013 Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report (1030 EDT)
Forecast: -136B
Actual: -145B
Started @ 3.757
1st Peak @ 3.810 – 1031 (1 min)
53 ticks

Reversal to 3.758 – 1038 (38 min)
52 ticks

Notes:  Moderately greater loss than was forecast saw a long spike of 53 ticks on the :31 bar nearly hitting the R3 Pivot, then falling to leave 30 ticks of the wick naked.  With JOBB, you would have filled long at about 3.787 with about 20 ticks of slippage, then had a brief opportunity to exit at about 3.800 with 13 ticks.  If you waited too long, it would have reversed and you would have seen trade in the red then slowly march toward your stop loss.  The reversal retreated back to the origin for 52 ticks, then it slowly climbed up about 40 ticks in the next 45 min.