May 062013

NG 05-13 (1 Min)  3_28_2013

3/28/2013 Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report (1030 EDT)
Forecast: -85B
Actual: -95B
Started @ 4.079
1st Peak @ 4.107 – 1031 (1 min)
28 ticks

Reversal to 4.041 – 1035 (5 min)
66 ticks

Extended Reversal to 4.033 – 1049 (19 min)
74 ticks

Notes:  Moderately greater draw on the reserve than was forecast saw a long spike of only 28 ticks on the :31 bar after a premature long spike on the :30 bar.  Then it left 18 ticks of the wick naked before reversing strongly in the next 4 min.  With JOBB, you would have filled long at about 4.093 with only about 4 ticks of slippage on the tame move, then look to exit at about 4.105 when it hovered near the top in the middle of the bar.  The reversal retreated back 66 ticks in only 5 min.  Then after a brief long move, it fell for an extended reversal of 8 more ticks in the next 15 min.