May 062013

NG 05-13 (1 Min)  4_11_2013

4/11/2013 Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report (1030 EDT)
Forecast: -12B
Actual: -14B
Started @ 4.060
1st Peak @ 4.143 – 1033 (3 min)
83 ticks

Reversal to 4.107 – 1035 (5 min)
35 ticks

Final Peak @ 4.185 – 1126 (56 min)
125 ticks

Reversal to 4.117 – 1219 (109 min)
68 ticks

Notes:  Nearly matching draw on the reserve compared to the forecast saw a long spike of 83 ticks on the :30 – :32 bars after a premature long spike on the :30 bar.  The spike crossed all 3 SMAs and the PP Pivot and extended the HOD 11 ticks as it was trading on the LOD before the news.  After a quick reversal of 35 ticks, it climbed for several additional peaks, culminating on the Final peak of 125 ticks at 1126.  Then it fell for a reversal of 68 ticks to just above the 200 SMA about an hour later.  With JOBB, you would have filled long at about 4.074 with about 4 ticks of slippage on the early move, then look to exit between the 200 SMA and the HOD with about 30-50 ticks.