4/4/2013 Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report (1030 EDT)
Forecast: -89B
Actual: -94B
Started @ 3.968
1st Peak @ 3.892 – 1031 (1 min)
76 ticks
2nd Peak @ 3.861 – 1035 (5 min)
107 ticks
Reversal to 3.948 – 1141 (71 min)
87 ticks
Notes: Moderately greater draw on the reserve than was forecast saw a short spike of 76 ticks on the :31 bar after a premature long spike on the :30 bar. The spike crossed all 3 SMAs and the PP Pivot, then it left 23 ticks of the tail naked as it backed off of the LOD. Then it fell again for a 2nd peak of 31 more ticks. With JOBB, you would have filled short at about 3.936 with about 22 ticks of slippage, then look to exit between the LOD and the 200 SMA with about 30 ticks. The reversal after the 2nd peak was able to reclaim 87 ticks in a little over an hour, fighting through several layers of resistance.