7/12/2012 Weekly Natural Gas Inventory Report (0430 HI time / 1030 EDT)
Forecast: 27B
Actual: 33B
Started @ 2.860
1st Peak @ 2.730 – 0431 (1 min)
130 ticks
Reversal to 2.784 – 0434 (4 min)
54 ticks
2nd Peak @ 2.720 – 0442 (12 min)
140 ticks
Reversal to 2.853 – 0555 (85 min)
133 ticks
Notes: Greater than expected gain in supply from the forecast caused a large short spike and 2nd peak with a large but slow developing reversal. All 3 SMAs were crossed near the origin, then the PP Pivot was crossed about halfway down the :31 bar and the S1 Pivot was crossed near the bottom. After a retracement for 54 ticks on the :34 bar, the 2nd peak claimed another 10 ticks beyond the initial spike on the :42 bar. Then the reversal achieved 133 ticks over an hour later after going sideways for 45 min just above the S1 Pivot and on the 50 SMA.