May 052013

6C 03-13 (1 Min)  2_8_2013

2/8/2013 Employment Change (0830 EST)
Employment Change Forecast: 4.5K
Employment Change Actual: -21.9K
Previous Revision: n/a
Rate Forecast:  7.2%
Rate Actual: 7.0%
Started @ 0.9987
1st Peak @ 0.9954 – 0831 (1 min)
33 ticks

Reversal to 0.9973 – 0840 (10 min)
19 ticks

Notes:  Strongly negative report showing a healthy drop in the number of jobs and a drop in the unemployment rate due to less people looking for work.  This caused the 6C to spike short for 33 ticks on the :31 bar.  With JOBB, you would have filled short at 0.9977 with 3 ticks of slippage, then had an opportunity to close out with about 15 ticks as it hovered around 0.9960.  After the spike, it reversed up to the 13 SMA for 19 ticks in 10 min.  Then it attempted to fall again, but could only reach 3 ticks higher than the 1st peak before the long term reversal took over in the next 90 min.