May 072013

6E 03-13 (1 Min)  2_19_2013

2/19/2013 German ZEW Economic Sentiment (0500 EST)
Forecast:  35.3
Actual:  48.2
Started @ 1.3347
1st Peak @ 1.3330 – 0501 (1 min)
17 ticks

Reversal to 1.3377 – 0501 (1 min)
47 ticks

Pullback to 1.3331 – 0546 (46 min)
46 ticks

Notes:  The reading came in nearly 13 points better than the forecast to impress.  This caused a surprising indecisive reaction that shorted 17 ticks before reversing for 47 ticks for the true expected reaction.  The initial short spike is anomalous, but an occasional risk.  Still with a safe track record of 8 previous reports this should not be cause for concern for the future.  With JOBB you would have filled short at about 1.3344, then seen about  14 ticks on the board for 3 sec until it reversed upward and would have stopped you out with about a 17 tick loss.  The long move hit the R1 Pivot and peaked 7 ticks higher, then reversed back to the low in 46 min.