6E 12 12 (1 Min) 09.06.12

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Sep 062012

6E 12 12 (1 Min) 09.06.12

9/6/2012 ECB Minimum Bid Rate (0145 HI time / 0745 EDT)
Forecast: 0.75%
Actual: 0.75%
Started @ 1.2621
1st Peak @ 1.2663 – 0147 (2 min)
42 ticks

Reversal to 1.2630 – 0216 (31 min)
33 ticks (2x bottom)

Notes: The ECB decided to leave the Minimum Bid Rate unchanged at 0.75% in line with most economists expectations in the face of a possible but unlikely rate cut to 0.50%. The 6E initially rallied strongly for 42 ticks, peaking on the :47 bar on the assurance that Mario Draghi would act this time. So the market rallied, then trading sideways for 30 min and reversed for 33 ticks. When the press conference began at 0230, the market was initially choppy as Draghis comments created confusion, then the market settled into a stepped decline. The ECB buy bonds in an attempt to hold together the single currency until the politicians unite and agree upon steps toward a closer political union. This mixed bag caused the tame selloff on the back end. With JOBB, you would have filled long with minimal slippage at about 1.2632 then had an opportunity to close out at about 1.2654 as it hovered near the top of the bar. You could also set your sell limit at the R2 Pivot since it is a convenient and close target.

6E 09 12 (1 Min) 08.02.12

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Aug 022012

6E 09 12 (1 Min) 08.02.12

8/2/2012 ECB Minimum Bid Rate (0145 HI time / 0745 EDT)
Forecast: 0.75%
Actual: 0.75%
Started @ 1.2280
1st Peak @ 1.2312 – 0146 (1 min)
32 ticks

Reversal to 1.2289 – 0150 (5 min)
23 ticks

2nd Peak @ 1.2422 – 0236 (51 min)
142 ticks

Reversal to 1.2188 – 0306 (81 min)
234 ticks

Notes: The ECB decided to leave the Minimum Bid Rate unchanged at 0.75% in line with most economists expectations in the face of a possible but unlikely rate cut to 0.50%. The 6E initially rallied strongly for 32 ticks on the 1st peak and 142 on a drawn out 2nd peak before a dramatic reversal for almost double the magnitude of the rally. After the initial announcement was made at 0145, expectations fell on Mario Draghi to act on a bond buying program which had been discussed in advance. When he started his speech at 0230, the last bit of the rally climbed and then the air was let out of the balloon as he explained “his plan to promise a plan which plans to promise a solution” instead of action. The initial spike crossed all 3 major SMAs and peaked just below the R1 Pivot. The 2nd Peak eclipsed the R2 Pivot on the final push, then the reversal crossed all 3 major SMAs, the R1, PP, and S1 Pivots on its descent. With JOBB you would have filled at about 1.2289 with about 2 ticks of slippage, then had an opportunity to close out at about 1.2307 where it hovered for about 18 ticks

6E 12 12 (1 Min) 07.05.12

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Jul 052012

6E 12 12 (1 Min) 07.05.12

7/5/2012 ECB Minimum Bid Rate (0145 HI time / 0745 EDT)
Forecast: 0.75% (0.25% cut)
Actual: 0.75% (0.25% cut)
Started @ 1.2529
1st Peak @ 1.2498 – 0146 (1 min)
31 ticks

Final Peak @ 1.2396 – 0241 (56 min)
133 ticks

Reversal to 1.2426 – 0255 (70 min)
30 ticks

Notes: The ECB decided to cut the Minimum Bid Rate 0.25% to 0.75% in line with most economists expectations in the face leave rates unchanged. The 6E predictably sunk into a downward fan as the currency was devalued for 31 ticks on the 1st peak and 133 on the final peak nearly an hour later. Then we saw a small corrective reversal of 30 ticks before it fell again and traded sideways. Not much mystery here…a cut was expected and acted on. The press conference also explained the rate cut and the reasoning – all bearich news for the 6E. The initial spike was sitting on all 3 major SMAs and the S1 Pivot in a tight fist, then crossed the S2 and S3 Pivots on the descent. With JOBB you would have filled at about 1.2518 with about 4 ticks of slippage, then had an opportunity to close out at about 1.2506, but I would stay in for the long haul since a cut was executed. Close out when the MACD crosses and it is able to rebound above the 20 SMA at about 0248 – 0251 at 1.2415 for over 100 ticks.

6E 12 12 (1 Min) 06.06.12

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Jun 062012

6E 12 12 (1 Min) 06.06.12

6/6/2012 ECB Minimum Bid Rate (0145 HI time / 0745 EDT)
Forecast: 1.00%
Actual: 1.00%
Started @ 1.2517
1st Peak @ 1.2532 – 0146 (1 min)
15 ticks

Reversal to 1.2512 – 0150 (1 min)
20 ticks

Notes: The ECB decided to leave the Minimum Bid Rate unchanged at 1.00% in line with all economists expectations. Once again Mario Draghi underdelivered after the hopium was leading traders to expect more action by the ECB. Draghi cited inflation being more of a concern than unemployment, market tensions, and weak growth. With little mystery before or after the rate announcement, the 6E made a quick jump for 15 ticks crossing all 3 major SMAs, then fell to the starting point later on the same bar with nothing in the news able to sustain the bulls and the resistance powerful. With JOBB you would have filled at about 1.2526 with about 2 ticks of slippage, but had no opportunity to close out with a profit as it spiked up and came down quickly. Look to exit with about 4 ticks loss at the 50 SMA where it hovered briefly before dipping for another 10 ticks. It drifted lower, then traded sideways up to the press conference. Then after the press conference, the 6E chopped lower for about 30 min.

6E 12 12 (1 Min) 05.03.12

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May 032012

6E 12 12 (1 Min) 05.03.12

5/3/2012 ECB Minimum Bid Rate (0145 HI time / 0745 EDT)
Forecast: 1.00%
Actual: 1.00%
Started @ 1.3147
1st Peak @ 1.3161 – 0146 (1 min)
14 ticks

Reversal to 1.3147 – 0148 (3 min)
14 ticks

Notes: The ECB decided to leave the Minimum Bid Rate unchanged at 1.00% in line with all economists expectations. Mario Draghi did not hint at any move, and stuck to the baseline scenario of recovery Where LTRO is allowed to run its course. With little mystery before or after the rate announcement, the 6E made a quick jump for 14 ticks crossing all 3 major SMAs and the S1 Pivot, then fell to the starting point 2 bars later with nothing in the news able to sustain the bulls and the resistance powerful. With JOBB you would have filled at about 1.3155 with about 1 tick of slippage, then had an opportunity to close out with a few ticks at the S1 Pivot. With all the indicators there as it stalled on the gain, get out before it reverses. Notice the drop after the Press conference started at 0230, followed by a 30 min strong rally. This was due to the eventual realization that the ECB was not acting in any fashion to ease.