Dec 232011

CL 03 12 (1 Min) 12.23.11

12/23/2011 Monthly Durable Goods Orders (0330 HI time / 0830 EST)
Core Forecast: 0.5%
Core Actual:0.3%
Previous revision:0.8% to 1.5%
Regular Forecast: 2.2%
Regular Actual:3.8%
Previous Revision:+0.7% to 0.0%
Started @ 100.11
Peak @ 99.97 / retrace to 100.17 – 0331 (1 min)
6 / -14 ticks

Retrace to 100.28 – 0338 (8 min)
31 ticks

Notes: Report came in mixed overall with the core report disappointing while the regular report and previous revisions were solidly positive. Report was released on the Friday before Christmas, with extremely low volume. I would not trade this report due to the Christmas effect, and the erratic nature of the 0331 and 0335 candles illustrates this.