May 062013

NG 03-13 (1 Min)  1_24_2013

1/24/2013 Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report (1030 EST)
Forecast: -167B
Actual: -172B
Started @ 3.603
1st Peak @ 3.524 – 1031 (1 min)
79 ticks

Reversal to 3.567 – 1033 (3 min)
43 ticks

2nd Peak @ 3.519 – 1041 (11 min)
84 ticks

Reversal to 3.576 – 1119 (49 min)
57 ticks

Notes:  Slightly larger loss than was forecast caused a contrary short spike of 79 ticks that crossed all 3 SMAs on top of each other and the PP / S1 Pivots.  With JOBB, you would have filled short with about 20 ticks of slippage at about 3.570.  Then you would have an opportunity to close out with at least 30 ticks as it hovered around the S1 Pivot. After achieving the 1st peak, it reversed for 43 ticks, then achieved a 2nd peak of only 5 more ticks in 11 min. The final reversal was slow developing, garnering 42 ticks in 9 min, then 15 more ticks in the next 30 min to eclipse the 100 SMA.